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Before and After School Provision

Highlands Primary School offers support to families both before and after school, by hosting our in-house morning and after school clubs, run by Highlands staff.  We provide a continuing supportive learning environment, where children are able to choose from a range of activities including reading, games and extended learning activities.  Our Right Respecting ethos, which informs all of our school activities,  also encourages and builds confidence and self-esteem.


The times and prices are as follows:



8.00am to 9.00am - £4.50

7.45am to 9.00am - £5.50

(food will not be provided)




3.20pm to 4.20pm - £5.50

4.20pm to 5.20pm - £5.50


3.20pm to 5.20pm - £11.00

(Snacks will be provided, e.g. toast/bread and jam.)



These clubs can function on a pay-as-you-go basis. This will enable our parents, who may need childcare on individual days, to access the club we provide, as well as those who wish to come on a regular basis.

Please note that payment must be made in advance.  

If you are interested in these clubs, please speak to a member of the school office.

