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"Read Aloud" Video Conference session

Year 1 and New York


On Monday 12th January the children in Year 1 joined with children  at Vernon E Wightman Primary School, USA,  for a Read Aloud video conference session.   Vernon E Wightman Primary School  is part of the Bath, NY School District, which is in the “Southern Tier” of New York State, approximately 2 hours southeast of Niagara Falls.


Rene Carver, Distance Learning Coordinator - GST BOCES, USA, read to the children from the book "Yoko" by Rosemary Wells.


The children used Google Earth to see where each school was in the world.  They particularly liked looking at the globe and comparing how far away each school was from each other.


The children also discussed the differences in our language and how words had different meanings, for example we say "chips" but the children in America say "fries".




"Read Aloud" Video Conference session

Class 1Sk and New York


On Monday 9th February 2015 the children in Class 1Sk held a VC with Rene Carver, Distance Learning Coordinator - GST BOCES, USA.  He read to the children from the book "Yoko learns to read" by Rosemary Wells.


The children were due to join with another school in New York, but as America had experienced a very bad snow storm the school was closed.  Rene was able to show the children pictures of the snow.


We are hoping to have another VC very soon with the other school to continue with this reading project.
