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Physical Education

Intent for PESSPA


At Highlands Primary School we aim to provide a safe and supportive environment where children are able to enjoy Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. We strive to create a culture which inspires children to thrive in a range of different Physical Activities, which we believe to be essential in supporting their emotional, moral, physical and social development. Consequently, we provide an inclusive and varied PESSPA curriculum ensuring that all children are able to develop both mentally and physically. For example, we provide opportunities for children to learn how to swim by starting lessons in Year 3 and continuing until children have become confident in the water, knowing how to keep safe and also meet the National Curriculum requirements of swimming 25m by the end of Year 6.


Children develop an understanding of body and how it works during Physical Activity. With this knowledge, they are taught how to use a wide range of equipment safely and creatively in order to develop their skill set and achieve their own personal goals.

Through our PESSPA Curriculum we encourage all children to challenge themselves and each other as we believe Physical Education can promote self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. Physical Education can teach children to cope with both success and failure in competitive, individual and team based physical activities. We encourage children to observe and demonstrate the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. Thus embedding life-long values such as empathy, friendship, justice, kindness and respect which are also our School Values.

Our PESSPA Curriculum, along with other subjects such as PSHE and Science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and learning about the need for good nutrition. At Highlands Primary School we aim for children to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and tools which will have a positive impact on their future by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being.


PE Overview
