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...Welcome to Nursery...

Our current topic is...

Minibeasts and Changes!



This term the Nursery children will continue to be given lots of opportunities to develop their speech, communication and language skills by talking about themselves and their families. As well as developing their personal, social and emotional skills by forming positive relationships with their peers and adults. 


Our topic this term is 'Minibeasts and Changes'. The children will have the opportunity to learn about a range of minibeasts through a variety of different texts and explore the changes that take place all around us. We will be reading stories such as 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'Baa! Moo! What will we do'. We will have the opportunity to visit our local park for a minibeast hunt as part of the story 'Mad About Minibeasts'. We will be able to observe changes during our visit to the farm. You might like to pretend to be explores and go on a minibeast hunt. You might like to read about different minibeasts and talk about the different features. What are the changes you can see in your local community? Are there any flowers growing? Has the weather changed? Don't forget to add any photos on Evidence Me to show us what you have found!  


Our topic books this term:

'Superworm', 'The Very Greedy Bee', 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', 'Mad about Minibeasts', 'Pink is for boys', 'Boo! Baa! What will we do' and 'The Colour Monster goes to School'.  



As a Right’s Respecting school we believe that it is very important for our children to develop positive learning behaviours and skills that will develop them as respectful citizens of our community. Therefore, we will be learning about our school values: Friendship, Respect, Kindness, Perseverance, Empathy, Responsibility and Justice through stories and circle time activities. 


Key information


  • ALL of your child's belongings must be labelled
  • Your child must have a bag of spare clothes to be kept in school
  • Please bring a labelled water bottle daily
  • Packed lunches MUST BE NUT FREE

